luni, mai 18

A day in the life of...

Except the reflection time in the train, this has been a laaaaazy, brain freeze day. Partly, or mostly, I think, because of my cold. I think it has reached my brain and they are now flirting... Uuu, kinky!

So I spent all day long in bed, getting sick and tired of surfing the net, had some nice talks with my friends, watched some episodes of friends and scrubs, read a very nice collection of love letters (, and now, I'm unfreezing the freezer :)) It seems that it reached that point in this life cycle (???) when he refuses to get freezed and starts to leak, so the food gets rotten :)) And so we realized that today, and now my desk is filled with tons of food, waiting to get back in the fridge, until my room-mate does all the dirty stuff with the fridge that I don't know anything about :) [I hope I'll have some pictures posted with this event soon:P]

And now I'm trying to get some sleep, and this very productive day. Yes, very productive, about 3 litres of boogers.

Stay healthy!

2 comentarii:

Bogdan spunea...

da' în română nu te pricepi? ştii doar că am probleme cu limbile străine!

Milena spunea...

nu citesc doar romanii blog-ul meu:) I'm international and culturally sensitive :D