miercuri, mai 20


Yes, the panic has begun...

Oh my God, the session is coming, Oh my God, I haven't been to any lectures at this subject, how the fuck am I going to learn, Oh my God I cannot pay my rent for the dorm and may not have a contract for next year, Oh my God, I have to chose a teacher for the batchelor's degree, Oh my God, I have to choose my optionals for next year, Oh my God, where should I stay in Groningen, Oh my God, what subjects to chose to study there, Oh my God, when do the papers have to be ready, Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God...

I don't like it, I hope that tommorrow all the reasons for panic will be gone, and I will be able to breathe normally, not drink coffee anymore and have my heart pumping like crazy, and be able to think again about beautiful stuff, challenges, and memories.

Tommorrow, tommorrow, I'll love you tommorrow, if you take the panic away....

Un comentariu:

Bogdan spunea...

n-ai mai scris nimic...:(...sa mai scrii ca mai citeam si eu ...